God has chosen in His infinite wisdom to work through His people to manifest His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to the world. This is an awesome responsibility that requires the utmost diligence on our part to harbor zealously that charge with reverential fear and a godly lifestyle. Since the kingdom of heaven resides in each of our spirits when we are born again, it is our privilege and duty to permit that kingdom to manifest throughout the earth in its most unsullied form. When Jesus prayed to His Father that "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth and it is already done in heaven," I believe the primary fashion that Jesus expected this to happen was through the kingdom that resides in us, and thus His Father's will flowing out through us into the earth. We carry that spiritual kingdom with us wherever we go, with the eager expectation of seeing Christ's physical kingdom established in the near future.
This makes us co-laborers with Christ as well as co-heirs. This is both exhilarating and alarming. If one element of the team is weaker than the other, the whole team's production level suffers, right? We know that Jesus is perfect in every single way, so the fault lies with us if the kingdom is not manifested as He desires. That means you and I both have to make it a top priority that our expression of the kingdom in our daily lives is not thwarted or lessened, let's say, by the fruitless "vain imaginations" of an unregenerate mind, will and emotions. We are commanded to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, tearing down any high thing that would dare to exalt itself against the knowledge of God. This command implies activity on our part, working with our Helper to tear sstrongholds down. It won't happen automatically. We have a work to do alongside the Holy Spirit, and this book helps us in that mandatory evidence.
Rather than just highlighting a problem and then leaving the reader with questions and no answers, the following material lists systematicallly many of the "ways and means" of cooperating with the Holy Spirit's work in our lives to eradicate the leaven of situational ethics, secular Humanism, universalist thought, and the dangerous mixture of our carnal flesh--which must be crucified--with the pure unadulterated power that is resident in each born again person's spirit.
The Bible makes it clear that we can be holy (set apart) before the Lord, only by yielding to His Word as it separates each facet of our existence--spirit, soul and body--and its components, identifying our thoughts and intents that must be subjected to that written Word. Only by submitting our day-to-day lives to the aggressive help of the Holy Spirit are we able to make the living Word most fruitful in our lives. It takes both the Word and the Spirit working together to achieve victory over the carnal mind. From that point, the Spirit has free rein to pour His life through us, out into the lives of others. (Foreward by Andrew Maloney, Dove on the Rise International)